Saturday, December 6, 2008

おはいよ! きょう は じゅにがつ むいか(ろく にち)。

Yesterday we started to learn kanji. Its really interesting, we went over about 6 kanji yesterday.

一: いち 

二: に

三: さん

四: よん・し

五: ご

人: ひと・じん 

大: おお

Its a little confusing on how kanji works but i think I'll get used to it after I work with it more.
じゃ まった

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nassau Community College is located in Long Island, New York. Originally the College was a Naval Airbase during the Korean war, the campus also has /had housing in certain parts of the campus which was primarily used for living on the Naval base at the time.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


わたし は オヘゲン です。 どうぞよろしく。

これ は Nassau Community だいがく の ボログ。

わたし の にほんご の じゅぎょ の せんせい は ソウリアル です。

じゃ、 まった!